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Dalian Lidi fluid control technology Co., Ltd
LOGICA wood controller(Italy)Brief introduction:
LOGICA wood controller(Italy)
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Q Q:703738287


About Logica H&S srl


Logica H&S srl provides high-quality services and products for testing and measurement equipment in industrial process control, industrial, consumer, and automotive applications. The company was established on May 15, 1991, with the aim of providing comprehensive services for every electronic demand in the aforementioned industries; For this purpose, the technical office has several engineers with qualifications in the industrial and consumer electronics departments. In the early stages of the company's development, we focused on the development of customized products (specifically for customers), and gradually developed our own products, especially electronic products in the wood processing industry. The company's organizational structure, including the engineering and production departments, is based on an ISO9001 certified quality system, ensuring great flexibility and reliability. Therefore, we give customers a real advantage.

1. Experienced technology to provide technical support during instrument installation and use

2. Customize products according to customer specifications and needs

3. 100% of our products have undergone strict inspection and the quality is guaranteed

4. A reasonable price benefits from the precise optimization of company resources and products.

5. Pay attention to overall service quality, from first contact to after-sales assistance

6. Logica H&S is a globally renowned company in the field of wood drying control and humidity measurement.


Product Introduction

Wood drying kiln control system, wood humidity measurement instrument, sensor and wireless communication system, PC networking software, and related accessories.


ChipTouch chip dryer control system

LG41 ChipTouch

ChipTouch is a control system specifically developed for drying wood chips and other biomass materials, which is dried by blowing hot air. The system controls the air temperature and blowing pressure into one or more drying containers through a proportional mode pneumatic heating method and a ventilator.

Contact and analyze the humidity of the air discharged from each container to detect the completion of the drying cycle; The final humidity target can be set separately for each container

The system can also measure the source consumption of the factory, and if connected to a control PC, it can generate graphical reports for each container drying cycle.


Technical specifications

ChipTouch has extremely high configurability and can add other functions as needed to adapt to all kiln models.


Sensor section

Common sensors:

1x air temperature

1x air pressure

2x heating fluid temperature

Energy consumption counter

Sensors applied to each container:

1x air temperature

1x air humidity/equilibrium moisture content

Common outputs:

Heating valve (proportional activation through pulse or 0-10V)

Fan (proportional activation 0-10V)

Heating pump

Output per container



PC with xVIEW software for remote control/monitoring/graphical reporting



LOGICA hygrometer LG31 MC panel installation wood


LG13 is an instrument for continuously measuring wood moisture, providing practical cases suitable for panel installation. It is the simplest and cheapest solution for investigating kiln drying processes. It has four wood probe inputs and one temperature probe input, which can automatically compensate for wood moisture readings. In addition, it sets the final temperature value in Yunxi and can indicate the end of the cycle through relay switching.


Technical specifications

4 Wood Probe Inputs

1 temperature probe input

1 relay output reaches final temperature

1 power supply 230Vca up and down 20% floating, -50/60Hz


Standard design length

4 silicon insulated cables (10 meters long) for measuring wood humidity

1 temperature probe (10 meters long)

30 different lengths of electrodes (15, 25, and 40mm)


LG40- Multifunctional Digital Instrument

The LG40 Missouratore digtale multifunctional digital instrument has been developed as a reference thermometer for ISP15 applications. Based on the Logica H&S KilnBus interface, it can be connected to the kiln network to automatically check the process temperature probe before starting a new processing cycle. The data measured by the LG40 and process probe is automatically recorded and printed on the HT report by WoodWizard2 software. In addition to temperature probes, there is now a relative humidity probe suitable for kiln applications.


Technical characteristics

Temperature range: -20/+80 ° C

Temperature accuracy:+-0.5 (0-40 ° C)+-1.2 (-20+80 ° C)

Humidity range: 0-100% RH

RH accuracy:+-2% (10-90%)+-4% (0-100%)



LOGICA LG47 moisture detector

LG47 is the simplest device for detecting the moisture content of wood in kilns, and it is suitable for both traditional and vacuum dryers.

It consists of two plastic boxes: one should be installed inside the kiln and equipped with six pairs of sockets for wood humidity probes, the other should be installed outside the kiln and include a switch to select the probe to measure, a socket, and a standard handheld humidity meter. The two boxes are connected by special high insulation cables.

This product can also provide climate sensors compatible with the LG43 hygrometer (balancing humidity, relative humidity, and temperature). This version not only provides information about kiln climate, but also has a temperature compensation mechanism that automatically affects wood humidity.

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